I’ve just discovered what I think is the easiest side hustle that anybody can do to very quickly start earning an extra $1 to $2,000 every single month as a complete beginner to make money online using chat GPT .
I’m actually shocked by how easy this is so without any delay let’s get straight into this Article so I can show you exactly how to set this up in under only 15 minutes so let’s get into it now there are a couple of tools that we’re going to be using with chat GPT to make money online with this strategy .
the first such tour is k.com and I’ll leave a link in the description box below kale is an incredible Aid driven graphic design platform which gives us free access to hundreds of thousands of these pre-made Graphic and Design templates some of which you can see right here now typically to access designs of this quality you’d need .
the help of a graphic designer but with kale we can literally access any one of these designs which we can edit and customize to make money online with in a a variety of different ways and in addition to this what I absolutely love about Kora is their free AI integrated text to image generator .
where we can literally create designs almost out of thin air by giving kale a single prompt clicking on to generate image and kale will generate any image that we tell it to in literally a matter of seconds in a wide range of different styles there are so many ways that we can make money with this AI text image generator .
I’m going to be showing you exactly how we can do so using this strategy so you want to make sure that you click on the sign up right here so you can get signed up to kale absolutely for free once you are signed up you’ll be taken to a tab like this where you’ll see the kle dashboard and you just want to make sure that you leave this tab open so before we come back to kle for the Second Step you want to head over to Google bard which is bard. goole.com which is an AI chatbot very similar to chat GPT.
I’m going to ask the Google B chatbot to give me a list of the current 10 bestselling and most popular books and the reason we’re asking for this list is because the way we’re going to be making money with this strategy is we’re going to be giving away an endless amount of these books for free without spending a penny on any one of them and we’re going to get paid for it now.
I know this might sound too good to be true how are we going to get paid for giving away free books that we don’t even need to buy ourselves guys stick with me I’m going to show you just how easy this is so before you hit enter on this Google B query you want to make sure that these 10 bestselling and most popular books are available on audible.com and if you haven’t heard of audible it is an audiobook company owned by Amazon .
which sells a wide range of different books in audio format a lot of people actually prefer listening to books rather than reading them I’m actually one of those people let me know in the comments section below first of all if you enjoy reading and if you do do you also prefer listening to books or do you prefer reading books in the more traditional sense but anyway you want to head back over to Google bard and you want to make sure that these top 10 bestselling and most popular books are available on audible.com and the Google bar chatbot has the capability to know that so all you want to do guys you want to amend this query to say give me a list of the current 10 bestselling and most popular books that are available on Audible you.
then want to hit enter and the Google chatbot has given us 10 of the most popular currently bestselling books that are in high demand and are available on amazon.com and like I mentioned these books are going to be given away for free and for every single person that claims their free book we’re going to get paid and because these books are bestselling we know a lot of people are currently willing to spend money on these books to purchase them to read or listen to so it’s safe to assume they’d also be more more than happy to receive these books absolutely for free let me show you exactly how we’re going to be making money with this .
if I click onto any one of these bestselling books via the images that Google bard has provided us such as this one over here Atomic Habits by James clear it takes us straight over to amazon.com which is one way of purchasing an audible book directly through Amazon and what you can see here guys for this book if you wanted to purchase it it is actually 0 in other words free with an audible free trial so what you can see guys is that anybody who signs up to audible on their free trial doesn’t need to spend anything whatsoever gets a free book alternatively .
I go straight over to audible.com rather than Amazon you can see it says exactly the same as well get your first audio book absolutely for free and to do that all you need to do is sign up to audibles free TR trial so this is undeniably a great deal if you sign up to Audible for free you also get a free audio book but an even better deal for us is that anybody who signs up to Audible for their free trial via our affiliate link .
which I’ll be showing you how to get we’re going to get paid $5 for every single person who signs up to an audible free trial they don’t need to spend a penny and all we need to do is tell as many people as possible if they sign up to order absolutely for free via their free trial they also get a free audio book so what is the best way to generate the maximum amount of signups so we can make the most amount of money well the first thing you need to do is to identify popular books that people are currently interested in which we’ve already done using Google B once you have identified these popular books you then want to head straight over to chat GPT .
that’s chat. open.com and if you’re liking this content guys please make sure that you smash that like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already cuz I’m going to be showing you how we can use chat GPT .
kelp to maximize the amount of money that we can make with this incredibly easy free giveaway so now that we’re over to chat GPT I’m going to ask the AI chatbot to write a book summary for me for any one of these popular bestselling books on Audible and for the sake of this video I’m going to ask chat GPT to write a book summary for me around Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone .
I’m going to say write a concise 2000 World Book summary for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer stone with an introduction and a summary for each chapter I’m then going to hit enter and the AI chat bot will immediately get to work for us now it does take a minute so I’m going to pause the video and chat GPT has generated this entire 2word book summary for us and we’re going to be placing audible links inside this book summary .
so that people can claim their free book by clicking onto those links and signing up to audible’s free trial and anytime that somebody does that we’re going to get paid $5 for every single person who claims their free book and I’m going to be showing you guys how we can share this book summary on a platform that gets millions of monthly active users so that we can maximize the amount of people that read our book summary click onto those links sign up for their free book and maximize the amount of money that we can get paid with this strategy.
now it’s important to mention when you go over to Google bard for those popular books that we generated from audible some of these books chat GPT might not have unto-date information for if that is the case guys just select another one and go over to chat GPT and ask it to write a book summary for that one and you should get unto-date data I think for two of these books that I did try to generate book summaries for on chat GP T .
it didn’t have up to-date data so just a heads up now before I show you exactly how to generate that free traffic so that we can maximize the amount of money that we can make with this free giveaway there are two crucial things that we need to do with this article before we do that so you want to make sure that you copy this entire 2word book summary and you want to paste it somewhere save.
I pasted mine into this Google Docs document right here so once you’ve pasted your book summary Into Your Word document it’s important to note that the platform that we’ll be sharing this book summary on doesn’t always take to kindly to AI generated content and to get around that you simply want to rep paraphrase each one of these paragraphs which is super easy to do and to do that guys I’m going to copy this first paragraph right here for example and I’m going to head over to a free paraphrasing tour such as quillwort dotcom and again guys.
I’m going to be leaving links in the description box below for all of the tools that we’re using absolutely for free in today’s video so you want to make sure that you click onto paste text right here to paste in that first paragraph and you simply want to click onto where it says paraphrase and literally immediately that entire paragraph will be paraphrased and you want to copy this paraphrased paragraph right here .
you just want to replace this first AI generated paragraph as such and you want to rinse and repeat for each of the paragraphs that chat GPT generated for us for this book summary and I’ve done just that so now our book summary won’t be detected as AI generated content when we post it onto that platform to generate a huge amount of free traffic which I’ll be revealing to you shortly now before I do that there’s another crucial thing that we need to do with this book summary which is going to massively increase engagement and increase the amount of clicks.
that we get onto those audible affiliate links and anytime that somebody clicks onto one of those links and claims their free book via audibles free trial we’re going to get paid $5 for every single person who does that and I’m going to be showing you exactly how to retrieve those links but before we do that guys you want to make sure that we add in some highquality copyright free images into this article and this part is super important cuz just by adding in those copyright free high quality images.
we’re going to massively increase the amount of clicks that we get onto those links so that we can maximize the amount of money that we can make with this free giveaway and to retrieve those high quality copyright free images you want to head back over to k.com and again guys if you haven’t yet signed up to get your free kle account link is in the description box below .
once you have signed up to kle you just want to click onto where it says new project right here and you then want to click onto where it says create you then want to click onto this sort of star symbol right here to access kol’s AI text image generator and let me show you just how incredible this is guys we can literally type in a line of text describing the image that we want kol to create for us and it will literally generate that image for us in a matter of seconds and we can select from a wide range of styles that we want kable to create that image for us.
in now to determine the type of images that we should be incorporating into our book summary you simply want to head back over to it and you want to have a brief read of the different paragraphs in this book summary so if I look at the first chapter right here the boy who lived we can see it mentions the evil wizard for example so what I can do is I can go straight back over to kito’s AI text to image generator and I can literally type in evil wizard and you can select to generate this image in a wide range of different styles Styles one of my favorite styles is this anime one right here so I’m going to select that and I’m simply going to click onto generate image and the kitso AI text to image generator literally takes a few seconds to generate that image for us and,
here we can see guys it is an image in an anime style of an evil wizard and I’m just going to expand this image across the canvas just like this this looks absolutely incredible and it corresponds perfectly with the first paragraph of our book summary and to download your image from kle you just want to click onto download right here and I’m going to download this image as a PNG and you want to do exactly the same for each of these different paragraphs in our book summary which represent the different chapters of the book you simply want to have a read of these different paragraphs and have a think about the most enticing images that we can include in our book summary to correspond with these different paragraphs so you want to go back over to kle and you just want to generate images using kol’s AI text to image generator for each of those paragraphs .
you simply want to download them cuz we’re going to be adding those images into our book summary which we’re going to be posting onto that platform which I’m just about to reveal to you so we can generate a ton of free traffic to our article so we can make money online with the amount of clicks that we get to our affiliate link for audibles free and every time that somebody clicks onto that link and signs up to that free trial to claim their free book we’re going to get paid $5 for every single person who does that and to retrieve that audible affiliate link you want to head over to audible.com SL affiliate and you want to click onto where it says become an affiliate and you just want to enter a few simple details about yourself such as your name and the platform .
where you’ll be promoting your affiliate links and once you are signed up you can literally click onto any one of these books to retrieve your affiliate links and once you’ve got your affiliate link for anybody who clicks onto that link and retrieves their free book via audible’s free trial we’re going to get paid $5 and if they do decide to continue onto the audible paid version we’re also going to get paid another $10 so once you’ve got your affiliate links and you’ve created those AI generated copyright free images from K you now want to post your book summary on a platform that generates over 150 million visitors every single month so that we can generate a ton of free traffic to our book summary.
so that we can maximize the amount of money that we can make with this strategy and the name of the platform that we’ll be posting our book summary onto is medium.com medium is an incredible source of free traffic it is a platform that I use very frequently as you may know from some of my previous videos it is one of the best and most popular social publishing platforms out there which can be used to make a lot of money especially with affiliate marketing because unlike a lot of other platforms medium actually allows you to post affiliate links onto its platform as long as you add a small affiliate disclosure this is an absolute gold mine to generate a ton of free traffic which I’m going to be showing you exactly,
how to do with our book summary so you want to make sure that you sign up to medium absolutely for free and to add our book summary to this platform you want to click onto where it says right in the top right hand corner right here and you then want to go back over to your book summary and you want to copy over the entire thing and paste it directly into medium right here now for the title I’m going to call it book summary 4 and I’m going to copy over JK rowlings Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone now very importantly once you’ve done that you now want to insert your images that you would have generated using Kel’s AI text image generator into this book summary ,
and to insert those images let’s say for example that we want to insert that image for that evil wizard that we generated earlier you can literally click anywhere onto the medium canvas you then want to click onto this plus symbol right here and you then want to click onto this image icon and I’m going to insert that image that we generated earlier using K’s AI text image generator and this book summary article is already looking a lot better and you just want to make sure you do exactly the same for each and every one of these chapter summaries or paragraphs you want to make sure you go over to K’s AI text image generator and you just want to generate a relevant corresponding image that you could insert for each and every one of these chapter summaries that’s going to massively increase reader engagement and the number of clicks that we get to our affiliate link .
which I’ll be showing you exactly how to insert in a second and it’s also going to increase the amount of money that we get paid for every single person who claims their free book and to insert those links you want to make sure that you do this in two different ways and the first way is to insert your link into this book summary via some explicit call to actions and what I mean by that is you literally want to include a few call to actions into your book summary explicitly such as this one right here I said claim your free copy of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone here and want you are signed up to the audible affiliate program you literally want to copy your affiliate link as such,
I’m going to highlight this explicit call to action I’m going to bold it and I’m also going to click onto this link symbol right here and I’m simply going to paste in my affiliate link and now that explicit call to action is going to be underlined and you want to make sure that you include it throughout your book summary about three or four times including one at the end of the book summary as well which I’ve included right .
here now that you’ve included a few explicit call to actions into your book summary you now want to insert a few implicit call to actions as well and to do that you just want to highlight some words in your book summary that stand out such as this evil wizard phrase right here for example and in a very similar fashion you just want to click onto the bold and you then want to click onto this link symbol right here and you just want to paste in your affiliate link and the reader of this book summary will notice that some of these words are hyperlink and many of them will then click onto that word or phrase to claim their free book either via these implicit links right here or via those explicit call to actions that we’ve also included and every single time that somebody clicks onto one of those links and claims .
their free book we’re going to get paid $5 so before we publish our book summary you do want to make sure that you are complying with medium.com affiliate links policy and to do that you want to add in a simple affiliate disc disclosure such as the one I’ve added here I’ve said this book summary contains affiliate links and we may receive a commission after you click onto any one of these links so once you’ve added your affiliate disclosure and you’ve added your affiliate links into your book summary along with those kle AI generated images you then want to click onto-
where it says publish right here and before we click onto publish now to help people find this book summary and we know there are a ton of people looking for book summaries on these particular books since they are the best selling and most popular on audible.com to help them find this book summary you want to make sure that you add in a few tags into this text box right here and I’ve done just that and people who are searching for this book summary are doing so cuz they want to read it before making up their mind as to whether they want to actually spend money and purchase that book so when they read our book summary they’re going to be extremely pleasantly surprised to learn that they don’t need to spend a penny they can claim the book absolutely for free.
they’re going to click onto our audible affiliate link and claim this bestselling highly popular book and we’re going to get paid $5 for every single person who does that and you then want to click onto publish now and then your first book summary will be published onto medium.com and you don’t want to stop there guys to maximize the amount of money that you can make with this free giveaway you simply want to rinse and repeat and publish as many book summaries as you can on medium.com you want to go back over to Google bard and ask the chatbot to give you a list of as many audio books as possible that are available on audible.com.
you then want to head straight back over to chat GPT and ask it to generate a bunch of book summaries for those respective books before rep paraphrasing those book summaries using a free paraphrasing tool such as quillbot decom and crucially you want to make sure that you’re utilizing k.com AI text image generator so that you are incorporating images into your book summary which will increase reader engagement the amount of clicks that we get onto our affiliate links and ultimately the amount of money that we get paid every time somebody claims their free book .
if you’re also interested in promoting other highly profitable affiliate products I’ve actually put together a complete list of affiliate marketing products that I’m currently promoting which you can access in the description box below absolutely for free now if you want to go full-time with affiliate marketing to earn a long-term sustainable passive income.
I strongly recommend watching this video right here it’s a complete tutorial outlining the exact steps that you can take to do that and if you got value from this blog please make sure that you smash that like button subscribe to the channel and hit that Bell notification so that you get notified every single time that I release a new online money writing article take care.